Elderan staff reserves the right to stop destructive behaviour in the game and discord. Such behaviour includes, but is not limited to, the following offences:

1. Names
    a) Offensive Names:
    • Names that are insulting, racist, sexually related, drug-related, harassing or generally objectionable.
    • Punishment: Forced name Change by the Elderan Staff.

    b) Names that contain advertisement.
    • You are not allowed to call your character related to any other server, brand, product or content thats not related to our servers.
    • Punishment: Forced name Change by the Elderan Staff.

    c) Name that replicates the Elderan staff.
    • You are not allowed call your character in any way which replicates the Elderan staff.
    • Punishment: Forced name Change by the Elderan Staff.

    d) Invalid Name Format.
    • Names without sense such as "fdsfserf" are forbidden.
    • Punishment: Forced name Change by the Elderan Staff.

2. Statement
    a) Language Restriction
    • You are not allowed to use any other language besides English in public channels such as Trade Channel or World Channel.
    • Punishment: Jail Time, warning or banishment depending on the severity of the violation.

    b) Disclosing Personal Data
    • You are not allowed to spread personal information about any player in our server.
    • Punishment: Banishment or deletion of your account depending on the severity of the violation.

    c) Complot against Elderan
    • Spreading false information or starting a propaganda against Elderan and it's staff to cause a reduction of the player base or ruin the servers reputation.
    • Punishment: Banishment or deletion of your account depending on the severity of the violation.

    d) Offensive statements
    • It is stricly forbidden to insult other players or the Elderan Staff which includes insulting, racist, sexually related, drug related, harassing statements.
    • Punishment: Banishment or deletion of your account depending on the severity of the violation.

3. Destructive Behaviour
("All Destructive Behaviour reports will be evaluated closely and no action will be given unless there is solid proof.")

    a) Griefing
    • Abusing your freedom of a Sandbox MMORPG to make it impossible for other players to progress and enjoy the game content without any valid justifications.
    • Punishment: Warning, Jail, Banishment or deletion of your account depending on the severity of the violation.

    b) Harassment
    • Harassing and stalking of other players is stricly forbidden and not tolerated.
    • Punishment: Warning, Jail, Banishment or deletion of your account depending on the severity of the violation.

    c) Blackmail.
    • We do not allow players to take payments from other players such as Premium Scrolls or Point Scrolls in order for the other player to be able to play.
    • Punishment: Banishment or deletion of your account depending on the severity of the violation.

    d) Toxic intention.
    • If the playstyle of a player or a group of players is against our vision of the server and is clearly focused on destructive and toxic actions the Elderan Staff has the right to stop this behaviour.
    • Punishment: Warning, Jail, Banishment or deletion of your account depending on the severity of the violation.

    e) Abusing game weakness.
    • E.g. You are not allowed to cheat our unjustified kill system by luring and sneaking players into a Party just to kill them.
    • E.g. Using a second character to block off a whole area so other players have to take an unjustified kill is not allowed.
    • E.g. You are not allowed to Red Skull Trap other players.
    • Punishment: Warning, Jail, Banishment or deletion of your account depending on the severity of the violation.

4. Cheating
    a) Bug Abuse
    • Abusing an obvious bug that damage our service is stricly against the rules:
    • Punishment: Deletion of your account.

    b) Using unofficial Software to play.
    • Using a tasker or cavebot to play your character is stricly against our vision of the game and will be punished hard.
    • Punishment: Banishment or deletion of your account.

    c) Multiclient.
    • You are not allowed to multiclient on more than 3 clients at the same time.
    • Punishment: Banishment or deletion of your account.

    d) Exploit/Bug Report:
    • If you find an obvious bug or exploit you are forced to report the bug to the staff of Elderan immediately.
    • Reward: Premium or Point Scroll or a rare, special legendary item such as Golden boots, depending on the severity of the report.

5. Legal Issues
    a) Account trading and sharing.
    • Offering your account to other players or accepting payments for accounts.
    • The Elderan staff does not take any responsibility towards the action of selling, buying, sharing or trading accounts. However, we do consider advertisement of such actions to be penalized which may lead to a deletion of your account.

    b) Game Items Trading
    • Offer virtual goods in Elderan for other currencies than In-Game Gold or Elderan Points to other players.
    • The Elderan staff does not take any responsibility towards the action of selling, buying, sharing or trading accounts. However, we do consider advertisement of such actions to be penalized which may lead to a deletion of your account.

    c) Hacking
    • It is stricly forbidden to hack other players account or personal data.
    • Punishment: If we know the hackers identity we will reserve the rights to give informations such as IP, personal information and email to legal authorities e.g police.

The rules are also valid for everything that is being said in our official discord or on public platforms such as Twitch and will lead to punishments if the identity of your account is known.

Interesting Notes

  • We have the rights to modify any of these rules at any given time.
  • We have the rights to customize these rules according to specific cases or scenarios and enforce them accordingly.
  • You are responsible for your accounts security. We will not recover your items or levels if you get hacked or shared your account information.